Open Call – Filme und Videos zum Außerirdischen und Fremden

Für die nächste Ausstellung ENTER im Berliner Projektraum Blockbuster Exhibitions suchen wir Filme und Videos zum Thema *Außerirdische* und dem *Fremden an sich.*

We are looking for films and videos based around the theme of the extraterrestrial and the strange.
The objective of the Berlin based gallery, Blockbuster Exhibitions, is to bring together young, international artists while simultaneously working to redefine the various con-
cepts using different disciplines such as dance, photography, sculpture, performance art and sound.
During the span of the exhibition, we will feature film screenings, lectures and perfor-
mances to provide further insight into the chosen theme.
The upcoming exhibition ENTER will be from Thursday the 30th of January to Thursday
the 27th of March.
Particular for this exhibition, we will have the facilities to rent out the videos and films
that are sent to us. Throughout the exhibition, selected works will be put together for a
screening. We are looking forward to hearing from you and to have your participation in
our exhibition.
Closing date: 24th of January 2014
Please send all entries to:
Christina Schönthaler
Betreff: ENTER
Potsdamer Str. 156
10783 Berlin
For more information

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