Call for partners! EMPHOKA Project by Puertas de Castilla

Puertas de Castilla Cultural Centre hosts a resident project which aims to provide an itinerant photographic exhibition model to cultural centers worldwide. The model is based on DIY (do it yourself) philosophy with minimal audiovisual resources. It is a zero expenditure exhibition model and does not require any financial investment. Cultural centres interested in hosting this exhibition project will be offered a more detailed explanation about how to assemble it; what kind of relationship & dialogue should be launched between them and Puertas de Castilla Centre.

The project’s main aim is sharing: EMPHOKA collects members‘ work through offline cultural environments, expanding its scope to all amateur photographers regardless of the different formats they use.

About Emphoka
EMPHOKA is a non-profit project focused on the promotion of emerging photographers. EMPHOKA currently comprises 945 photographers from 74 countries.

EMPHOKA believes in photography as a creative experience, as an approach to art, both in an aesthetic sense and as a conceptual one. A process of learning and a communication vehicle through a constant dialogue between the image and the reality of the author. Today EMPHOKA hosts the best compact photography collection on the internet.

How to participate in Emphoka
As an author
If you want to belong to the EMPHOKA Collective – – you can upload your pictures to our Flickr group – Then, your photographs will be ready to be selected as: Photo of the Day, Photo of the Week and Photo of the Month and published in our networks. You can also participate in several exhibitions and publications promoted by Emphoka.

As a supporter
You can also support us by Liking our page on Facebook – – and telling us which pictures you like most.

If you are interested in taking part in EMPHOKA PROJECT contact Alfredo Benito:

And, of course, you can follow us online: – @emphoka



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