ENCC Kongress für KulturaktivistInnen

Das Europäische Netzwerk für Kulturzentren (ENCC) lädt europäische KulturarbeiterInnen zur Teilnahme am „ENCC Travelling Congress“ im Krakau/P vom 14. bis 16. Oktober 2015.
The enhancement of citizen’s active participation in cultural and democratic life is at the core of the Cultural centers missions and ambition. In a context in which digitalization deeply impacts our societies and cultures, a variety of experimentations linked with civic participation, artistic practices and audience development, are emerging in Europe.
Digitalization implies new ways of connecting, collaborating and sharing with each other. It offers new possibilities for instance for citizens to organize and tackle shared challenges, to invent new forms of resilience, solidarities and powers in urban and rural neighborhood. It also opens new fields in amateur practices and education: new forms of education, do it yourself practices, etc.
What is the role of Cultural centers in these emerging ecosystems of dynamic civic and cultural participation? How can we imagine new ways of engaging with audiences and with transformation in our societies? Which cooperation can we build on these subjects?
This meeting will provide a field to exchange ideas and practices in the subject of civic participation and audience development at the age of digitalization between European cultural centers, local stakeholders in Krakow and in Poland and innovators working in this field. We are building a 3 days programme with workshopscity study tours and Forum to work actively on this subject.
Come, meet, connect, imagine! Save the dates: 14-16 October 2015!

Registration will open on 25th August
Place: International Cultural Centre, Rynek Główny 25, 31-008 Kraków

14th October

Day 1 – Introduction & City study walks

International Cultural Centre, Rynek Główny 25, 31-008 Kraków

12 am – 1 pm: Welcome and registration

1 pm – 2 pm: Introduction of the Travelling academy

Opening by prof. Jacek Purchla, Director of the International Culture Centre, Anna Gawron, Deputy Director of International Culture Centre and ENCC president Ivo Peeters and coordinator Sylvine Bois Choussy. Introduction of the topic.

2 pm – 5.30 pm City walks: Civic participation, digitalisation and audience development in Krakow: meet the locals!

Each walk will allow participants to travel through several aspects of the topic of the Travelling academy, through meetings with a diversity of local stakeholders: How does digitalisation impacts aspects of civic participation and culture in their dimensions of education, audience developments, public space, social and economic inclusion?

We will propose you 3 paths through the city to meet brilliant people and organisations, and in order to make your experience more dynamic and playful, we will give you some challenges on the way!

On the side of the Travelling academy programme…

7 pm – 9 am Social evening and ENCC anniversary (Place to be confirmed)

15th October

Day 2 – Civic participation & audience development: innovation challenges for Cultural centres?

International Cultural Centre, Rynek Główny 25, 31-008 Kraków

9 am – 11 am: Introduction

  • City tour groups feedback on the previous day, projection
  • Opening of the day and introduction of the topic (speaker to be confirmed)

11 am – 1 pm: Meet an innovator and… explore audience development, education, city dynamics challenges.

3 topical workshops will be proposed with 3 forward thinking stakeholder and experts in each. Each will start with the presentation of her/his practice who will share his projects, but also his innovation process, questions, etc. and enter in a discussion with the group around the topic and the participants experience.

  • Re-inventing audience development and cultural participation

ORIOL FONTDEVILA – SDEVENIR PÚBLIC („Becoming Public“) is conceived as an experiment that revolves around publics, but above all around the public mission of the museum. A museum becomes public when the audience or general public starts to produce it, becoming one of its mediators and helping to shape its policies.

  • Education and learning for young people in a digital world

How are young people using Internet, what is the digital culture to them? How does it impact their ways of learning, sharing knowledge, relating to others? What new competencies will need to be developed in the future? What could be the role of cultural centres regarding these challenges? Which cooperation and projects can we invent?

  • Re-inventing cities: towards new forms of participation?
Citizens are more and more ready and willing to get involved in the making of their territories, in contributing to decision making, in inventing new forms of getting together, of solidarity, of cultural practices. What is the role of cultural centres regarding these dynamics?

2.30 am-4.30 pm: Workshops in groups: Building cooperation, implementing innovation in our models.
Building on the exchange of the previous workshop, this session will invite participants to come back to their practice, identify what are their own challenges, which cooperation to build regarding this.

On the side of the Travelling academy programme…

5 pm – 7 pm Workshops (on the suggestions of the participants)  
In addition to the main topical programme, we would like to to open space to share and develop our member’s initiatives and ideas. Each end of the day will be dedicated to their ideas and propositions of workshops, to be shared with us by September 20. Do you have a project you would like to work on or present to other ENCC members? Is there a specific topic you wish to work with? Something you’d like to learn? Tell us!

5 pm -7 pm Learning sessions: Leadership, leading participative groups and design thinking methods, EU programmes and projects – To be confirmed depending on the participants interests.

7 pm – 9 am Social evening

16th October

Day 3 – Forum

International Cultural Centre, Rynek Główny 25, 31-008 Kraków

9 am – 11 am: Project building workshops.

11.30 am – 2 pm: Public Forum, buffet and closing of the travelling academy.

Presentation between the groups of the work and projects done during the 3 days, round table discussions with the local and European contributors of the Travelling academy. This session will be open to local cultural stakeholders.

On the side of the Travelling academy programme…

– Workshops (on the suggestions of the participants) – 3 pm – 5 pm
In addition to the main topical programme, we would like to to open space to share and develop our member’s initiatives and ideas. Each end of the day will be dedicated to their ideas and propositions of workshops, to be shared with us by September 20. Do you have a project you would like to work on or present to other ENCC members? Is there a specific topic you wish to work with? Something you’d like to learn? Tell us!



Participation costs:
Registration fee for ENCC members: € 140
Registration fee for non- members: € 180
Registration fee for non- members from PL: € 50

*The conference costs and registration fee includes:
– participation in the meeting
– lunch, dinner – from dinner 14.09 until lunch 16.09
– Coffee breaks

Registration is open until 30th September 2015.


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